Everything You Need To Know About Content Dissemination


Everything You Need To Know About Content Dissemination

What is Content Dissemination?

Content dissemination is the process of distributing content to a wide audience via numerous methods. This can be done through social media, email drip campaigns, newsletters, and so on. 

The end goal of content dissemination is to promote your content on multiple channels and attract as many of the right people as possible. Through this process, you’re able to build brand and product awareness as well as generate leads. 

In this blog, we’re going to run through three popular methods of content dissemination:

  1. Social selling
  2. Email drip campaigns
  3. Newsletters 

Generating Traffic Through Social Selling

Social selling is where a brand uses social media channels to connect with prospects and engage with potential leads. By actively connecting with potential clients on social media, you increase your chances of being the first brand they think of when they’re ready to purchase.

However, social selling is about more than simply adding new contacts to your list. Social selling is also about creating meaningful interactions and presenting your brand as the solution to a problem. 

You can tap into new customer segments and leverage opportunities to connect with people who are already active and engaging in conversations. Reach out to an audience that already has an interest in your solution. Connect with your prospects authentically and offer helpful information when the time is right. 

This method is highly effective because of the vast number of people who base their purchasing decisions on social media. In fact, 81% of Instagram users are researching products and services on the platform. That’s just one platform. On YouTube, 70% of users have bought a brand’s product after seeing it on the video streaming platform.

Chances are your brand already participates in social selling to some extent. If your brand is active on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, or any other platform, you’re already engaged in the basics of social selling.

Increasing Leads Through Email Drip Campaigns

Did you know that 79% of B2B marketers think email is the most successful channel for content distribution?

An email drip campaign is an automated sales outreach method where a series of emails are sent automatically to a specific audience after they take a particular action. 

For example, if a lead downloads your whitepaper on digital transformation in insurance, they might enter a drip campaign where you share relevant insurtech content. The final email might include a call to action to request a demo for your insurance platform. 

Let’s look at three classic email drip campaigns to give you a clearer picture of how it works. 

Onboarding Drip Campaign

If a lead has submitted their email through a form (for example, filling in their details to download your whitepaper), welcome them to the business by sending emails with content that would interest them. 

Onboarding email sequences must provide value to entice leads to engage with your brand and encourage them to speak to your sales team. 

Retargeting Drip Campaign

Retargeting campaigns target users who’ve already engaged with your content but haven’t actively done so lately. 

To reel them back in, you serve them hyper-specific content. 

Carefully craft your email content to hook their attention and help them make a purchasing decision. You can also learn more about your prospects' thoughts around the resources they already received. 

Post-Demo Campaign

This one is ideal for the tech industry, where sales reps tend to provide product demos to prospects and leads. It’s important to re-emphasise the value of your solution even after a demo. 

Sending post-demo drip emails enables you to share more benefits, bring in success stories to provide social proof and include guides to make the switch super smooth.

You can also use your email drip campaign to send a newsletter to your contacts to alert them of any relevant and exciting company or product news.

Boosting Customer Engagement Through Newsletters

Newsletter marketing is a perfect opportunity for your brand to connect with prospective and existing customers. People that have already signed up to receive content from you are more receptive to your marketing than a general audience you might find via social media or search engines.

This method is highly popular among B2B marketers. In fact, 81% of B2B marketers say email newsletters are their most used form of content marketing. The great thing about newsletter marketing is that rather than replacing other outreach strategies, it builds on and enhances your other published content. 

The key is to make your content exclusive, valuable and engaging for your subscribers. A well-crafted newsletter encourages your audience to engage with your main offerings. An excellent newsletter also inspires your subscribers to share the content with others, helping your audience grow. 

Moreover, newsletters are excellent tools for evaluating your marketing strategy and informing future decisions. Most email marketing platforms have built-in analytics tools to help you evaluate your brand’s performance, campaign effectiveness, and changing customer needs. 

Content Dissemination is Key to Marketing Success

There’s no use in creating amazing content if no one sees it. Effective content dissemination is a critical piece of the puzzle that makes up your content marketing campaign. It's not only about what you publish but where you publish it. Content dissemination is key to boosting brand awareness, collecting loyal followers, and converting leads to loyal clients. 

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