Decoding the LinkedIn Algorithm in 2023


LinkedIn has become the home for working professionals and B2B brands online. If you’re a marketing or social media manager looking to give your posts an extra edge, you’re in the right place. In this article, we’re breaking down the inner workings of the LinkedIn algorithm.

How does the LinkedIn algorithm work in 2023?

Like other social media platforms, the workings of the LinkedIn algorithm are kept secret but the algorithm’s main goal is to give users a positive experience and keep them on the platform. So, focus on sharing interesting and engaging content that poses questions and solves problems.

That being said, there are a few tips and tricks to give your posts that extra push. Below are some of our top tips.

Best practices when using the LinkedIn algorithm

Post time

Optimal post time will vary with your brand’s audience and where they live. In general, analysis from SproutSocial shows the best posting times are 9am - 12pm.

Like other platforms, the LinkedIn algorithm likes new content, so post content when your audience is online, like before mid-morning breaks, lunchtimes and evenings. From here, use your analytics data dashboard to narrow down the best time. 

Post day

As a professional platform, LinkedIn’s activity spikes during weekdays. The same study from SproutSocial found that the best posting days are Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. 

Post type

LinkedIn’s algorithm measures content quality by examining post length, whether a picture or video is included, and wider relevance to the user’s interests. So, try to vary your posts and include an image, carousel or short-form video to garner more attention.

Engagement top tips

  • Don’t post too often. Stick to a regular schedule of a few times a week to make testing new strategies easier. 
  • Don’t forget hashtags. Hubspot data shows around 3-5 hashtags per post is best.
  • Don’t forget a hook. LinkedIn hides text beyond 210 characters (depending on spacing), so get to the point quickly.

How often are there changes to the LinkedIn algorithm?</h2>

LinkedIn is always making small tweaks to optimise its user experience, with larger changes happening once or twice a year.

Unfortunately for marketers, this means a constant uphill battle just to get content in front of their audience. By partnering with a marketing agency, you can outsource the workload of writing, editing and posting to an expert services provider and focus on long-term brand growth initiatives.

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